TCIN: Envision

Over the last year, the Church Innovation Network has been helping your parish develop a model of mission within your church. Alpha Ireland wants to continue to support you as you enter the next phase, as you try to encourage the wider church community to move from maintenance to mission.

With this in mind, we are holding an Envision Event on Wednesday 16th June at 8pm. This is an event aimed at showcasing the potential for mission in Ireland today, and the role that the different Alpha resources (Alpha, Alpha Youth, The Marriage Courses and the Parenting Courses) can play in bringing that mission to life. It will be inspiring, encouraging and energising.

This event will be especially encouraging for potential future lay leaders for your church.

Please invite members of your Parish Council, Select Vestry and/or your Alpha Team(s) but this event will be especially encouraging for potential future lay leaders for your church.

So, if there is someone who you think would be a great addition to your Alpha Team but hasn't yet signed up, this will be the perfect place for them to hear about what your church has in mind for mission moving forward. We will then extend an invite for in-depth training in the Autumn, and they can use the summer to pray about whether they should get involved with your team next year.

The event is free, as always, and will take place via Zoom.

Wednesday 16th June at 8pm

Please register below.