The Story of St Matt’s + Alpha

Reaching more than 240 people in midweek events in a year and promoting the Alpha Suite to the community, the parish now has a formed Parish Action Plan for the future and is training other parishes in running Alpha and The Marriage Course locally.

The Rev. William Olhausen along with wife Tanya has launched a series of faith formation events with Alpha, inviting all parents who recently baptised children in the parish and recently married couples, the local school and parishioners throughout the year. 

Working with Alpha real opportunity and blessing for us as a parish. 

The parish has extended their community life beyond Sunday and have begun to train other parishes, including Catholic priests and teams, in running faith formation events with the Alpha Suite.

The development of Discipleship Tools for their own community and ability to serve more broadly has added immense value to parish life at St. Matthias, and allowed William to begin a new Parish Action Plan for 2022 and beyond. 

The help of the Alpha Ireland team has been immense as we look to the future at St. Matthias.
— Rev. William Olhausen

Key benefits from working with Alpha:

  • Re-engaged parishioners midweek helped spread life of the church beyond Sunday

  • New Parish Action Plan 

  • Developed Discipleship Tools for the church community

  • Serving newly married couples in the community

  • Serving schools and local community families

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